St. David’s Day

Today is St. David’s Day, the patron saint of Wales and with it see’s an abundance of children wearing traditional Welsh costumes and adults donning a daffodil or leek (both Welsh symbols) in celebration of this special day. And what a day it turned out to be, with some 2-3 inches of snow falling overnight/early morning!

With the advent of the snow came a great opportunity to take some snaps (who said it’s only kids who love snow!) of the wonderful wintry scenes that were to be seen from the house of DDWT. Cue one of the pictures…..
Picture taken from the rear of our houseBeing the internet loving guy that I am, I decided to venture over to the BBC Wales web site to see what snow inspired news and topics they had. What caught my eye however whilst browsing around was an email link to send pictures to the BBC site. Yes you know where I’m going with this don’t you!

To my complete amazement some 2 hours later, there on the lead story on the BBC Wales web site and picture gallery were one of my snaps!! DDWT Junior was extremely pleased as well to see that his Little Tykes house had been given global coverage. No doubt it is “probably the most famous Little Tykes house in the world” – well it would be if it was made by Carlsberg.

Anyway, I was so chuffed I took a screen dump of both pages, the results of which are below.

Screen Dump from BBC Wales web site Screen Dump from BBC Wales web site

Despite the constant snow showers and somewhat blizzard like conditions, I decided to go for a run lunchtime (much to the derision and amusement of my colleagues) and promptly proceeded to knock out nearly 5 miles (along the beach) in some 41 minutes or so. Cool (literally) and chuffed to bits like phrases spring to mind. Today is turning out to be a good day.