Wahay – they’ve done it again, yet another piccy has ended up on the web. This time the South Wales Evening Post (or ‘Beans on Toast’ as it is sometimes called locally!?!?!) has put one of my snaps of DDWT Junior – armed with a snowball – on their ‘Local Snow Scenes’ picture gallery (pic number 27 to be exact). I wonder if it will be in print on the weekend editions, hmmmmmm.
A lunchtime run was on the menu today and it didn’t disappoint with a 5+ miler being knocked out in some 44 minutes odd. Not exactly world record beating pace I know, but for this 17 odd stone lummox it was a major achievement! I might just beat my 10K personal best of 50 mins 3 secs this year after all.
Gotta dash now as I’m off to watch ‘Catch me if you can‘ with Mrs. DDWT on Sky TV. Full review tomorrow – if its worth it of course.
Hope you all liked the strong running theme running through today’s blog entry *smile*
Hi DDWT- Enjoying the Mutterings- Sounds like you’ll be a lean, mean fighting machine on my return!
Any consolation, its frickin’ FREEZING here in NZ too. ONly I have to sleep in a van….