I endured over 4 hours downtime today after trying to apply Windows XP Service Pack 2 to my Compaq laptop. Every time I tried to do the install, I kept getting a darn “Access is Denied” error message. So thanks Microsoft for the ‘blue screen of death‘ that ensued and for helping me to waste a complete afternoon in work. It’s no wonder that I prefer to use Linux. After this little episdoe, I’ve one thing to say to Bill Gates – fear the penguin!
In all seriousness it is incredably frustrating, especially when you are totally dependant on your laptop/PC to do your work (web development in my case). I suppose it’s testament to the reliance we place upon, what is arguably the most important work tool in decades – the humble PC.
At least the purchase of my ticket for the LDV Vans Final between the Swans and the Cumbrians of Carlisle, relieved some of the frustration I felt this afternoon.
Now all I have to do is find some form of transport to the Millenium Stadium – after Network Rail decided (in their wisdom) that no train services will be running between Swansea and Cardiff on the day of the game. Muppets.
Penguins are frightening. So are Gerbils.
Enjoyed the read. Cheers