Seashells on the seashore

No this isn’t a test of your speech capabilities after several pints of alcohol, it’s about my running adventures. As you can imagine from the title, my lunchtime run today was along the Swansea Bay seashore from County Hall to Blackpill – which was basking in glorious sunshine I hasten to add. Here are two pictures I took some time ago of part of the seashore in question.

I thoroughly enjoyed my 40 minute outing in the spring sunshine, crunching my way through the seashells near Blackpill whilst watching the sea slowly encroach upon the remaining sandy beach. Now this is what running is all about! Lush.

I received details through the post today for the 2006 British Heart Foundation Gower Bike Ride on Sunday, July 2nd. If you’re into your bike riding and raising money for charity then this is one bike ride you don’t want to miss. There are two routes in operation on the day – one 16 miles and the other 29 miles. Whichever you choose, you’ll be treated to some wonderful views of the Gower. Anyway, I’ve now registered online and will be setting up a sponsorship page in due course, so watch this space!