Championship – you’re having a laugh

I was unfortunate enough today to witness a dire Swansea performance against the Millers of Rotherham in the 2 nil defeat at the Liberty stadium. What made matters worse was the manner in which they lost – they simply looked as if they’d been on the beer all Easter weekend and couldn’t give a sh*t.

I honestly don’t mind seeing the Swans lose (well sometimes), as long as they show some commitment and desire to win, today they displayed neither. To cap it all, we’re now even dropped out of the play-off places in League One. With only 3 games to go, even the play-offs are now looking decidedly dodgy. I suppose when the dust has settled, I’ll look back and think that the season on the whole has been a success and exceeded expectations. It’s still bloody disappointing though to think that they were top of the league at Christmas.

One small consolation was a picture of DDWT Junior in the match day programme today. He’d been photographed with the Cyril the Swan he’d won at the Brentford game back in March

1 thought on “Championship – you’re having a laugh”

  1. Commiserations about the game Mr T.

    Re your comment about photos- what happened was…(sorry, this is going to be really long-winded!)

    First I tried to publish them to the web through this thing that popped up on the screen which automatically went to some msn site so I put some pics there on

    However, when the Blogger asked me to copy the URL (?) of these pics, it wasn’t happening.

    So then I saved a few to Ed’s computer but I couldn’t shrink them and when I selected them using the Browse feature it sometimes worked (like the ones I’ve managed to put on) and sometimes didn’t.

    So I don’t think I’m being mental- maybe it just doesn’t like my pics!

    Anyway, hope your not working too hard- adios amigo.

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