A perfect pair

Having been a lazy bones over the weekend I decided it was about time to catch up with my blogging duties. Well where do I start, shoe shopping with Mrs. DDWT or the Swans getting into the League One play-offs? Ok, the play-offs it is then!

After thumping the Spirites of Chesterfield 4 nil the Swans now face the Bees of Brentford at the Liberty Stadium on Thursday, May 11th and then at Griffin Park on Sunday, May 14th in a 2 leg semi-final to decide who goes on to play in the final at the Millenium stadium on Saturday, May 27th. I’m chuffed to say that I will be at both games having queued for 1 hour 30 minutes yesterday and some 30 minutes today to get my tickets. The perfect pair of tickets is shown below.

My visit to the bathroom weighing scales yesterday (Sunday) proved to be well worth the effort as I was down to 16 st 13lbs, a 2lb loss from last week. To celebrate the whole DDWT family went to Pizza Hut for tea – seriously. Well it wasn’t to celebrate really, it was becuase we’d been out and about all afternoon shopping in Fforestfach and making sand castles on the beach.

Talking of shopping – no I’m not going to tell you about Mrs. DDWT’s shoes – I picked up a cracking book at WH Smiths. Being a footy fan and a proud Welshman, I took a fancy to Terry Yorath’s biography “Hard Man, Hard Knocks” not bad for £2 instead of the cover price of £16.99!! I just love a bargain.