I’m not likely to get much shut-eye tonight as the excitement is already starting to build for my trip to Griffin Park (the home of the Bees of Brentford) tomorrow. I just hope to God that the Swans can pull off the victory that will see us head off once again to Cardiff for the League One play-off final.
I also hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow as I’ll be standing on an open terrace! Mind you I won’t be alone, there’ll be some 3,249 others with me *smile*
Tried my hand at some more ‘advanced’ cooking today (concoction no. 2) – utilising some mince and various items of lonely veg I found in our fridge/garage. In all I used mince, mushrooms, potatoes, spinach, asparagus, carrots and leeks (with a splattering of herbs and dash of lemon juice). A pre-cooking picture is shown below.
Well after 1 hour and 15 minutes cooking time at 190 degrees, it was serving time. Now I can only be brutally honest and say that it was a very disappointingly bland dish (unlike concoction no. 1). The face pulled by Mrs. DDWT after the first mouthful said it all I’m afraid. It’s a bloody good job she loves me I can tell you.