Top banana

We managed to measure DDWT Junior’s height today (whilst he was asleep) and he is 92.5 cm (3ft 0.4″) tall. Why did we do it whilst he was asleep, well as you can imagine trying to get a 28 month old to stand still and against a height chart is almost impossible.

Here is a picture of DDWT Junior’s height chart – not that he/we use it mind you!

One of his favourite words at the moment is “Bammala” which is basically a banana! It’s so funny to see the expression on the face of people he says it to – a look of sheer bemusement.

Was a lazy bones today and gave the exercise a miss. I did do some more gardening though – which is now called project ‘Plants Out Lawn In’. With the weather finally appearing to be like summer it was great to be outside in the warm evening sunshine – but hey it’s June now after all.