We decided to get DDWT Junior a ‘Thomas The Tank Engine Paddling Pool‘ today – much to his delight. He’s a big fan of Thomas and ‘choo choo trains’ in general having recently been on one whilst on a day trip to Cardiff.
In fact we spent the best part of 3 and a half hours in it – after much huffing and puffing by Mrs. DDWT and I to get the darn thing inflated. One piece of advice to anyone who is planning to buy such toys – get a pump, it’s easier than popping your eyes out of your head! We haven’t attempted to fill it with water yet – as we’d be there all day seeing as DDWT Junior loves the water so much, so we stuck with loads of multi-coloured play balls instead.
I’d say today was the warmest day of the year so far with the temparature topping 25 degrees, well according to my car’s temparature display anyway. We even had the pleasure of devouring a Joe’s ice cream tub in the office this afternoon – very nice indeed!