Weight watch – Week 23

Having forgotten to get on the scales yesterday, the weigh-in this morning added yet more evidence to the argument that I eat far too many chocolate biscuits to get anywhere near my 16st 7lb target. No mention of a six pack here, as I gave that dreamy idea up when I discovered the wonders of ‘Diamond White’ (an extra strong dry white cider – crisp and sparkling) many years ago.

Anyway, just for the record I stood on my bathroom scales (naked) and weighed 17st 1lb.

Took a day off from the lunchtime run/ride as a result of yesterday’s physical activity – purely for rest purposes, not becuase I’ve sore buttocks from being on my bike too long (which I haven’t got believe it or not).

As for DDWT Junior, well his phrase for the day was “num nums” – which basically means “food”. I can only think that this derives from the fact that from an early age we demonstrated to him that all food was “yum yum” – whilst making circular motions with our hand by my belly! One day he’ll realise the concept of telling porkie pies – as quite how anyone could describe a jar of cow & gate chicken and rice dinner as yum yum is beyond me *chuckle*