Well day two of the performance management course came and went rather quickly and without much thought I hasten to add. Whilst the course was interesting and useful in some parts, the subject matter was/is rather erm, dry (to say the least) and there was a tadge too much ground to cover in two days I felt. A couple of things worth a mention from today though were Belbin’s approach to team structures (very interesting and thought provoking) and one important lesson – NEVER become a risk assessment manager (as it appears so bloody boring!).
Anyway, at least I got to flex my scribing skills and according to the tutor (Simon Faulkner) my mindset was even considered as ‘structured’ – which I’ll take as a compliment I think! In a funny kind of way I surprised myself on the course, as I’m not really one for wanting to lead from the front or express my thoughts too much – but in some instances that’s exactly what I did over the two days. Maybe I’m not out of my depth after all (as that’s what I sometimes feel) with all of this management stuff after all *smile*
When I got home, I considered adopting a project approach to our garden overhaul – but thought bugger it and just got out the spade and fork, and set about my task with gusto. Some two hours (and two full wheelie bins) later I decided to retire to the comfort of the house (after a shower of course!) and amuse DDWT Junior with some locally adapted stories about the 3 bears.
Whilst on the subject of the garden, I’ve also taken down the gazebo that was in the garden, as since I put it up last Sunday it seemed to put the keibosh on the warm weather we were having – not good. So here’s hoping.
I’ve finally admitted defeat in my efforts to take part in Sunday’s Llanelli 10K and have notified the organisers accordingly. I’m obviously disappointed but it wasn’t worth the risk given that the Gower bike ride is just over a week away.