Well this is the 100th post on my blog, which is a milestone for me but small scale compared to those bloggers out there who’ve been at it for donkeys years (blogging that is). Still I intend to look back at this post in years to come and think “I remember that”.
Went out and did some retail theraphy today with Mrs DDWT and for once actually came back with something other than food – which made a refreshing change. I bought some new briefs (Next) and two new shirts (Next and M&S). Mrs DDWT ended up getting some jewellery (Next), t-shirt and two skirts (Next and M&S). As usual I was outdone in the clothes purchasing stakes! DDWT Junior for once missed out altogether (a rare occurance I hasten to add).
Did the usual weighing thing today and was pleased to note that I’m on 17st exactly again. I’m really looking forward to getting back into the swing of training this week – I’ve missed it a lot over the last 12 days or so.