I started reading Terry Yorath’s autobiography today – “Hard Man, Hard Knocks” and it certainly grabs your attention in the first few pages by describing how he saw his son – Daniel – lose his life in front of him in their back garden. I have to say it touched me deeply. Being a Dad myself, and parent for that matter, it really does make you realise how precious life is, especially that of your offspring. Yorath always played football wearing his heart on his sleeve and I’ve no doubt his book will have the same frank expression of feelings.
Did another lunchtime ride down Mumbles today and added another 9 or so miles to the total amassed so far in 2006 (if only I’d managed to keep count!). If I get a few spare minutes and the inclination, I’ll try and tot up my total mileage from my bike riding blog entries. I love stats and always have done – even though I was/still am crap at maths!
DDWT Junior mades us all laugh at teatime tonight with his request for a “Git Gat” (AKA Kit Kat). I’d asked Mrs. DDWT to pass me one from the cupboard (to accompany my lovely large cup of kenco coffee) when in true mimic style his “Git Gat” interpretation came out – classic.