The lunchtime ride today took me down to Forte’s ice cream parlour at Bracelet Bay and back – which is some 10.5 miles. My average speed today was 15.8 mph which was an improvement on last weeks average. I’ve also decided to give the Bike Challenge Wales a crack in October by opting to take part in the BikeWales West event (Silver level) which is a 50 mile route around the Swansea area.
I’ve also decided to finally get some slicks for my bike as the off-road tyres I’m currently using make it feel like I’m forever stuck in treacle – especially when climbing hills. It’s also having an impact on my speed which considering that I’m already at the disadvantage of using a MTB as opposed to a road bike is bugging me no end.
I spent the best part of this evening fitting another safety gate in our house in order to stop DDWT Junior venturing up and down our stairs. We now have 3 in place – a bit excessive you might think, but given the fact that he’s sussed out how to open two of the three we don’t want to take any chances!!