No it’s not something I’ve caught during one of my lunch hour fitness routines, it was a business continuity workshop I attended today – based on a flu pandemic. All very useful up to a point – but as is the case with any “disaster” a lot of the pre-planning goes out of the window, purely due to having to respond to the situation as it unfolds in front of you. Anyway, that’s just my opionion and I’m no business continuity expert, far from it.
I’m came across a funny little disclaimer from the BBC today whilst using their ‘send it to a friend’ email service – which let’s you send a hyperlink to a particular article you’ve read on their website. I took a screen dump to capture it, which you can see (hopefully) below…
For those of you who can’t see it or can’t be bothered *wink* here is the text of the disclaimer…
The BBC is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything
written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the BBC’s views or
Well hello, but aren’t the BBC the ones who wrote the article that you’re sending to your friend? Whilst I understand that you can obviously send a personal message with the email, it still doesn’t detract away from the rather contradictory opening line.
It amused me enough to send it off to the Register and Plain English campaign anyway, as they’re into that sort of thing.
After chilling out yesterday lunchtime, it was back in the saddle for me today with a 12 mile blast down to Catherine Zeta-Jone’s place (in Plunch Lane) and around Mumbles for a change. Am really flying along with my new slicks on, but I am noticing that my backside is – how shall we say – feeling the bumps far more and as a result is a wee bit more tender at the end of the tour.