Mas carnival

We popped along to the Mas carnival in Swansea today for what is always a colourful and noisy occasion. There are loads of dancing/drum playing groups from the various multi-cultural communties of Swansea present and they certainly make the carnival a great place to be – especially at the end when they congregate in Castle Square for one big party.

DDWT Junior certainly enjoyed himself again (as he did at last year’s carnival) and has really taken to bopping away to the various drumbeats (which happen to be very catchy).

After we all got home I did some more work in the graden – i.e. demolished the pergola we had – so now the garden is even bigger and our dining room gets more direct light into it than before. Whilst I was busy doing this, Mrs DDWT was busying making a lush prawn curry (which was certainly worth working up an appetite for).