After the shock of seeing the route for the BikeWales West ride yesterday, I decided that I needed to pull my finger out and go for a lunchtime ride. I opted to venture along to Gowerton via the Clyne Valley cycle path, taking in the pleasant woodland that surrounds most of the ride along the way. It was a roundtrip of around 14 miles but going at a steady pace it gave me the workout I was after.
I’ve been potching around with loads of different web-related things of late (Ubuntu, Debian, RT, Phplist, RSS, etc) but for the life of me I can’t be arsed to write about it. Perhaps it’s just that I’m bored of blogging about techy bits, especially as most people find it a rather mundane and boring subject. Maybe it’s becuase I’ve been fiddling around with so many different bits and bobs that I don’t know if it’s the front door – back door or even if it’s upstairs or downstairs. Anyway, I’ll get my anorak and go and lie down.