Biking was high on the agenda once again today (I’m not obsessed honest) with a 20 mile ‘take it easy’ ride down to Gowerton, Dunvant and Mumbles. It was a preparation ride in readiness for the big one on Sunday and it proved very worthwhile.
It also gave me the opportunity to try out some nutritional supplements for the race, such as the very nice (and chocolate coated) High Five Sports bar. These high carbohydrate bars are meant to provide a long lasting energy source and therefore is ideal for long bike races. I have to say it seemed to do the trick for me today – so I’ll be munching a few of them come Sunday!
Talking of Sunday and the BikeWales West ride, my race pack finally came through today – much to my relief! The pack came complete with micro-chip timing device and my race number – so if you are out and about on the race route on Sunday, do please offer your support to me and all of the other riders.