Busy busy busy

A busy day allround today which kicked off early with a visit to DDWT Junior’s Nana and Grampa. Having left there – complete with some toy cars – as is the norm, we headed home for some lunch.

Our next stop was the Liberty stadium for some tickets for the Swans v Rovers of Tranmere and some Ospreys v Australia tickets. Both a quite special as they will be Mrs DDWT’s first visit to the stadium for both a football and rugby match.

After that we headed into town and straight to the Early Learning Centre to pick up DDWT Junior’s ‘Brachiosaurus’ dinosaur (below) – something which in fairness we’ve been promising him for weeks (and he’s been nagging for for weeks as well!).

Last but certainly not least we ventured around the latter stages of the BikeWales West silver route – just for me to mentally prepare myself for what lay ahead tomorrow. It came as a bit of a shock to me to find at least 3 major climbs, which having already done about 30 miles before I get to them is going to be hard work and I know it’s going to hurt.

Oh well I suppose I’d better get myself off to bed in readiness for tomorrow – wish me luck, ‘cos I think I’m going to need it.

Tech Tags: Brachiosaurus