Dreaming of a fall

I was in a much better mood getting out of bed this morning, even if I still felt like I hadn’t been there all night. This was probably becuase I kept dreaming that whilst I was walking down the catwalk I tripped and fell, much to the amusement of the 100+ women in attendance who consequently fell about laughing at me!

Anyway, any further thoughts about ‘my trip’ were banished when I remembered that today was a lunchtime ‘run’ day – so the thought of pain, rather than embaressment became the focus of my thoughts. Having said that, the lunchtime run – some 2.5 miles or so – went better than I had hoped with my training partner and I trotting out the course in some 19 mins 40 secs (25 seconds faster than Tuesday’s effort!).

Unfortunately as the afternoon wore on, my hamstrings began to complain about the pounding they had quite literally taken this week and my thoughts immediately turned to being concious of how I was walking around the place (i.e. like I’d been riding a horse all day). I’ve already decided to take a the weekend from biking/running to give my legs time to recover. I did reach an important milestone today though – this was my 100th lunchtime training session this year!

Mrs DDWT and DDWT Junior joined me after work for a stroll around the shops and in particular the M&S mid season sale – which quite frankly wasn’t up too much, or we’d missed the boat as it started yesterday. The Mrs did pick up a tidy pair of ‘Autograph’ jeans though so at least that was something. We also took the opportunity to do some reconnaissance for Christmas gifts and came up with plenty of ideas for the whole family – so it’s now time to do some high street v internet price comparisons. I do this every year – not because I’m tight (with money) but becuase I’m careful.

But the most significant thing about today was that DDWT Junior reached the 33 month old mark – which hadn’t dawned on me until this evening (shame on me). It really is amazing how quickly kids grow up and in some ways it makes me sad to think that he won’t ever be a baby again. I suppose that’s why I feel that every minute I spend with him is so special. Anyway, before I reduce myself to tears, here are some paintings that DDWT Junior did yesterday when his Nana came to visit.