I was back on the bike trail lunchtime today with the usual Monday trip down to Forte’s ice cream parlour and back – without stopping for a ‘99‘ I hasten to add. The 11 mile ride in very overcast and windy (averaging 15.8 mph) was in stark contrast to the almost summer feel of yesterday’s car journey and walk to the same destination. So hello autumn!
Mrs DDWT was majorly disappointed today to learn that her swanky (and very pink) new GT Aggressor 2007 moutain bike won’t now be delivered until January 2007! Which is a wee bit later than the October 7th advertised when we bought it from Evans Cycles. Worry not though, for as you read this an email is winging it’s way across the internet to Evans Cycles customer services to demand a refund.
I’m also pleased to report that I had some success over the weekend selling some unwanted bits and bobs (aka junk) on Ebay. I’m always amazed at what people buy on there – not just from me – I mean who would want to buy some Boot’s money off coupons, a Jack Daniel’s bottle opener or an inflatable beach ball (yes I have sold these on Ebay in the past!). It is indeed a case of “One man’s rubbish is another man’s treasure”.