A day off from the training and a cracking home made beef curry for tea – what more could a man ask for from life!
Seriously though, it was a nice change, just to re-charge the batteries and at the same time give my body a break in readiness for the usually tough and demanding Thursday lunchtime ride. It certainly does make a huge difference to your performance when you take some time out, which invariably means that your training sessions are actually that much more beneficial as well.
We had the most bizarre conversation in work today, the subject matter being hairy men. It all started when one of the girls mentioned the waxing of legs at which point all of us fella’s cringed – we then duly arrived on the subject of whether or not hairy men were sexy (hairy in the sense of body not the head). Opinion in the office was split – with some not liking much hair (i.e. chest yes, back no) to others liking lots (hairy chest, back, hands, feet). I was left somewhat bemused by it all to be quite honest and had never really given it much thought….until now.
So DO YOU like a hairy man?