Not to lot to report about today really, other than me cobbling together the bits of 3 used desks and making them into my new office desk. It looks the business too even if I do say so myself.
The abysmal weather (constant drizzle and fog) was matched by the performances of both the Swans (from what I heard) and the Ospreys (from what I saw on Sky) and resulted in both teams being defeated.
Not even the opportunity for some retail therapy (bike shopping for Mrs DDWT) could lift the gloom – mainly becuase we didn’t find ‘the’ bike that she wanted. So it looks like the internet is destined for another purchase from the house of DDWT.
Talking of bikes and purchases, if anyone fancies having a pair of DHB Triple Lens Glasses then drop me a line and I’ll refer you to Wiggle– whom will give you the glasses for free (when you spend over £50 on your first order – which is easily done believe me!). I’ll also receive a 10% discount voucher for referring you – so we help each other *smile*