Last night saw the first overnight frost of the winter here in Swansea and with it came the customary ‘Turn the engine on and heating full blast for 5 minutes whilst I sit in the house’ scenario. The only trouble with this plan is that ultimately, I’m usually (at least) 5 minutes later than I want to be leaving for work anyway.
I went for a 27 minute 3 mile odd run lucnhtime which was undertaken in gloriously sunny, but chilly blue sky conditions. Chatting with some other runners in the changing rooms afterwards (about various routes and distances) highlighted a website that actually lets you plot your route and gives you the distance covered. It’s called ‘Gmaps Pedometer‘ and it’s great!
Mrs DDWT and I were at the Ospreys v Australia rugby game tonight and what an historic occasion it turned out to be. In years to come we will be able to revel in the fact that – in true Max Boyce style – “We were there” to witness the Osprey’s historic 24-16 truimph over the Aussies. Admittedly, they didn’t have their 1st team out – but then again neither did the Ospreys. No matter what, the Ospreys did Welsh regional rugby proud tonight with a gritty and ‘in your face’ display against at times what looked like a very fast and powerful Australian side.
One thing that did strike me though was the crowd. Although it was a full house (nearly 20,500) the atmosphere at times was very very subdued – something which I found odd, especially with the noise generated at Swans games with only 12,000 odd present. Having said that, the rugby ‘crowd’ is far less hostile an environment and I can see why so many families prefer the rugby for a afternoon/evening out than the football.
With such historic events taking place today, I suppose it shouldn’t come as a surprise to me that for the 1st time EVER DDWT Junior actually went to bed without either of us being around!! I think his Nana and cousins must have waved some magic wand as it’s never happened before or maybe it’s just that our little soldier is beginning to leave his baby days behind.