Back to work today and thankfully I hit the ground running having dealt with several bits and bobs whilst at home – aaahh the beauty of having a remote office connection. I think it was more of a shock to the system getting up at the usual 6:45am slot, having a shower, munch a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice, clothes on and out the door (having kissed Mrs. DDWT and DDWT Junior goodbye of course). Phew, what a contrast to when your off ill – i.e you don’t get up, you eat lots of junk (and drink too much coffee) and you don’t shave for a week!
Anyway, having taken the difficult (for me) decision not to train this week, I still had to get some fresh air lunchtime and opted for a gentle stroll along the promenade outside County Hall. I took a couple of snaps on my mobile. Oh how I wish I could mob-blog in the UK with Blogger *sigh*I even found the time to be cross-questioned by an oldish chap – high on a ‘cheap as chips’ flagon of cider. “Where did you get your crombie mister?” – obviously referring to the abercrombie coat I was wearing at the time. “M&S” was my belated bewildered reply, his response was a thumbs-up and a “Me too” and that was the end of our exchange.
I’m off to Cardiff tonight in search of a CIPR Award which we failed so miserably in obtaining in Belfast back in September. A full report and hopefully glorious award winning picture to follow tomorrow. Bet you can’t wait.