It was great today to get back to my lunchtime training after taking a week out with the flu, which is still clinging on unfortunately. It was running duty today and we (my training partner and I) trotted around our usual 3 mile route in 23 minutes 11 seconds, a time which I was suprised at given my layoff and phlegm laden sinuses.
Not wanting to lower the tone too much (hey what’s new), but I think you could actually trace my route around Swansea Marina and SA1 merely by following the greeny-tinged phlegm deposits which I unloaded on my way around. Yuck. Still at least my chest felt clearer aftewards, so it must have done some good and besides, it’s supposed to rain tomorrow anyway!
Talking of leisure activities, I couldn’t help but take a closer look at the work being undertaken on the new Swansea Leisure Centre today as I happened to be passing by this afternoon. I took a couple of snaps – much to the annoyance of the workmen nearby.
Believe it or not this isn’t a spot the difference competition! In all seriousness though it’s good to see the work being done and if the video I’ve seen on the Swansea Council website is anything to go by, we’re in for a treat with all the new leisure centre will have to offer. Roll on 2008!