I’m depressed today. Not for any one particular reason just a combination of a few – the main one being a distinct lack of sleep. It’s stupid really and I only have myself to blame – why do I go to bed at 1am in the morning, knowing full well that DDWT Junior will awake the house at 7am ‘ish without fail. Cue grumpy, short-fused and impatient Daddy all day. Not good.
My mood wasn’t helped by the tale of the scale either – 16st 13lbs, another 3lbs BACK on. Where did it come from, well quite simply it’s due to my over indulgence (yet again) on biscuits and numerous buffet bits (from my visits to Cardiff last week). My self control seems to have gone awol and with it my streamline self. I’m really p*ssed at myself to be quite frank and I’ll be pulling my finger out this week to order to stop the slide – pronto.
With exercise in mind, I decided to give the Morfa B&Q car park a miss today as my usual parking spot for the Liberty stadium – and opted for the confines of the EDS car park instead. Thus ensuring I had a brisk 10 minute walk to/from the game at least.
As for the game itself well it was a cracking 0-0 draw, if you can have such a thing and it was obvious (even before kick-off) that there was not going to be a repeat of last years 7-1 drubbing of the Reds (or Wurzels as us Jacks like to call them).
Numerous chances went begging at both ends, but the Swans will feel the most disappointed as they had most of the clear cut chances. Marcos Painter (the Birmingham loanee) stood out for me today and gave our defence a solid and balanced look – something which had been lacking. Kevin Amankwaah won the donkey award today and I’m really beginning to wonder if this guy sees himself as a defender or a free-to-roam midfielder, such is his apparent dis-interest in man marking. Anyway, a full match report is on the Swans official site for those interested.
Right, I’m off to reflect on what has been a disappointing end to what started out as a promising weekend. [Sulk Mode On] …..