Tell me why I hate Monday’s, well I can think of plenty of reasons and none of them are to do with the hit single from the Boomtown Rats. Firstly it’s back to work, then there’s the sleep deprivation issue after having such a chilled out fantastic weekend and finally, there’s that darn bloody lunchtime bike ride down to Forte’s ice cream parlour in Mumbles (which incidentally took 45 minutes 19 seconds today with an average speed of 14.3 mph).
I really am getting bored of the same old Monday route and am desperate to find an alternative (but just as scenic) 11 mile route. I suppose if I’m honest it’s lush during the summer months, but come autumn/winter it just turns into a windy, leafy, sand infested dirt track of a path.
Anyway, grumpiness (is that a word?) aside DDWT Junior finally sent his letter off to Santa today and no doubt the Royal Mail will ensure he gets a response (they have in the past in all fairness). So for those of you with kiddies, save your pennies and don’t get ripped off by Santa letter merchants – simply send a brief letter (with your address on it) to:
Remember to put a stamp on it (2nd class will do) and hey presto you’ll get a letter/card back in due course. Ho ho ho.