My day in pictures

What a great feeling it was this morning to get out of bed and not have to go to work. It was even better contemplating this routine for the next 10 days as well – bloody marvelous.

I’ve decided to document my day in the form of pictures for a change and becuase I’m in a snap happy Christmas frame of mind. God how I love Christmas and all the festivities it brings. Anyway, as you can see from the picture below the Swansea Valley didn’t escape the fog that has descended across the UK (and caused chaos) and it made somewhat bleak viewing outside this morning.

My spirits were raised somewhat though by the sight of Mrs DDWT putting together some bacon and egg filled bagels. Upon munching them it felt like a flashback to the latter stages of our honeymoon in downtown New York in June 2000. I’ll stop there as otherwise it’ll get me rambling on about how I’d like to go and live there someday.

On the subject of food, it was Ryvita, cheese and ham snacks for dinner – which was to keep us going for the rest of the afternoon as we decided to join the masses in Llansamlet Tesco’s (via Wyevale) to stock up on some pre-Christmas day essentials.

Talking of Wyevale here is one of the fantastic penguin displays they had in-store for Christmas. They had around 5 of these displays featuring about 6 to 8 moving penguins on each and DDWT Junior loved them. Personally I thought it was far better value watching these than paying £8 (yes I did say eight pounds) to see Father Christmas there!

After having had our dose of posing penguins, we headed off to Tesco’s to witness what can probably be best described as a mêlée of people all suffering extremely bad cases of trolley rage. That’s the one great thing about being prepared and planning ahead, you can sit back and enjoy watching everyone sending their blood pressure skyward as the big event draws ever nearer. We spent about 30 minutes plus in the queue for our paltry £15 worth of goods, safe in the knowledge that muggins here would be going shopping in the wee hours of the morning when most people will be fast asleep. Sound idea – but I’ll let you decide which one I’m referring to!

I had the misfortune this evening of the lovely Windows Update service kindly installing Internet Explorer 7 on my PC – which in due course totally cocked-up the font settings …aaargh. Basically it made all of the fonts ‘cleartype’ – which was ok in some respects, but made using Firefox a tadge bit difficult. Thankfully, I managed to Google a solution and it did the trick.
You can read more about the whole font business and how to solve it on the IE Blog – which I must confess didn’t know even existed.

The sight of Catherine Zeta-Jones (a foxy lady if ever I saw one) in ‘The Legend of Zorro‘ made me feel a lot less agitated (after my Internet Exploder experience). The film itself was ok, but as with most follow-up movies it wasn’t quite up to the mark of the original, but at least Mrs DDWT and I enjoyed a relaxing evening in front of the box.