Back to work today unfortunately, but at least it meant back to the old lunchtime training routine. How time has flown by over the Christmas and New Year break. I don’t know if it’s just me, but the older I get the quicker time seems to pass – sad really.
The mere thought of returning to work kept me from going to sleep last night even though I was in bed by 10pm (in keeping with my main new year’s resolution). The mental list of everything I needed to do on day one and thereafter seemed to grow as the minutes ticked by. So it was with great relief today that most people I spoke to seemed to have the very same problem. Just when you think you’re the only one in the world who’d be so daft as to think about work in bed, you realise that you’re probably in the majority. A sobering thought indeed.
Anyway, training session number one of 2007 saw us take our usual ride down to Limeslade (which coach tells me is actually 10.8 miles to be exact!). In keeping with tradition, the stats were 43 minutes 39 seconds at an average speed of 14.8 mph. Talk around the office has already suggested that we find a target ride/race to focus our training efforts on. Oh and if the psycho biker we had the misfortune of coming across today decides to read this, get a life and grow up – people overtake each other (be it on foot/bike/car/whatever) everyday, without the need to tailgate anyone for the next 2 and a half miles. Twit.
After plenty of good intention, the house of DDWT finally made it to the ‘Waterfront Wonderland‘ in Swansea tonight, when for once it wasn’t raining (just cold and windy!). It didn’t quite have the same feel to it as I’m sure it would have done had we been there prior to Christmas, but nevertheless it was a worthwhile visit – if only to see DDWT Junior’s little face light up with all of the bright lights and fairground rides. It’s a shame that he is so small as the rides were a wee bit too big for him – plus the fact that he was too busy munching his McDonald’s Happy Meal, but there’s always next year I suppose.
With the sky so clear and the lights so bright, I decided to take a few piccies.
The last picture shows the crane game machine which I had a go at in the hope of winning ‘Donkey’ (from the Shrek movie) for DDWT Junior. All of my 4 attempts (which cost £1 – cheap by fairground standards) come to nothing I’m afraid but the look of disappointment on his face was awful.