Today saw DDWT Junior reach the ripe old age of 36 months or 3 to be precise in terms of years. It only seems like yesterday (well okay a few months ago) that he was turning 2, how time seems to fly by these days (or perhaps that’s just the way life is as you get older?).
The special day got off to a semi-early start with DDWT Junior waking at 5am but thankfully he went back to sleep after about an hour of mucking around – saying it was “morning time”, when in fact it was pitch black outside! We finally made it downstairs around 9:30am (after I’d dashed off out and back from my haircut appointment – the original plan being that we would have been all up and about well before that!).
DDWT Junior was so excited bless him that he seemed to think that EVERYTHING that was in wrapping paper before his eyes was a “dinowar”, especially the large blue wrapped pressie in the picture above – which he said was a “Bbbbbiiiiiig t-rex dinowar”. In fact it was actually a Crayola white board and easel but that’s a different story.
After he’d waded his way through the various birthday presents (some of which were in fact dinosaurs!) and had some breakfast, it was time for his best friends to arrive (and for me to go and get some ear muffs). This meant more presents to unwrap and DDWT Junior was getting more excited by the minute (in fact you’d have sworn he’d been on a caffiene guzzling exercise beforehand such was his exhuberance). He might only be 3, but some things just go to show that toddlers understand far more than us adults will ever give them credit for.
When his friends had left, I realised what I’d left myself in for when I said I’d go along to the party in the Cylch Ti a Fi class on Monday. Talk about breaking me in gently!
It’s also got to be said that DDWT Junior’s favourite birthday card (well mine in fact) was the one he got from the Swans – which was signed by all of the team. Now that’s got to be worth the £5 Cygnet membership alone!
The afternoon/evening saw the arrival of the rest of the DDWT Clan and it was time to start the buffet and light the candles on DDWT Junior’s cake.
After the buffet had been demolished and the traditional singing of happy birthday had been done (despite DDWT Junior’s insitance he was 5 not 3!!) it was time to open the remaining pressies. By the time everyone finally left around 10:30 pm (with DDWT Junior fast asleep in bed since 10pm) we were ready to drop ourselves and hit the sheets in due course.
It had been a fun if tiring day and to think we’d have a re-run tomorrow (with Mrs DDWT’s family) was pretty daunting.