Here we are some 3 weeks into the new year and believe it or not, some of the stuff we ordered in the online sales (Next and M&S) are still coming through! I suppose that says a lot about the amount of stock these companies are shifting as it does about the supply and delivery chains they must operate.
Perhaps what’s more disappointing though is that threequarters of the stuff we did order has already gone back or will soon be going. I always wonder why do things ALWAYS look so different in the catalogue/on-screen than they do in real life *frown*
I actually tried a spot of running today with Razor the Racehorse (you know who you are) to test out my groin. We did the usual 3 mile loop around SA1 in 24 minutes 30 seconds – which was slow compared to previous efforts, but understandable given the circumstances. No adverse reaction to date and I’ve taken the precaution of cancelling tomorrow’s run just in case – I don’t want to overdo it and end up being out for longer. I think I’ll try it out on Friday next.