Tummy troubles

With me taking a day’s leave today – in order to use or lose my holidays – it was nice to get up at the usual time, but rather than facing the drive into work I went for a nice run instead.

The 2.8 mile run (measured to perfection in Mrs DDWT’s Vauxhall) took me 20 minutes 59 seconds, which I was rather pleased with considering the times I have been doing for the distance since the turn of the year. This week has been a good week for me training wise, with Wednesday being the only day off thus far. Plus I’m up to 11 training sessions now!

I should know by now not to EVER go out running on an empty stomach as it’s always played hell with my system. So after my tummy troubles had subsided, we headed off to Fforestfach to take back yet more unwanted sales stuff and spend some time in Borders – DDWT Junior’s favourite haunt (in light of the mound of children’s books on offer!).

Mrs DDWT was most pleased with her retail efforts though, as she finally picked up a new mobile phone – which she’s be craving for for some time now. The sum of £49.99 ensured that she left Tesco’s armed with a T-Mobile Sagem 501C, which is rather feature rich in fairness – despite it not being what I would call a top brand. A detailed spec can be seen on the Sagem site.

I’m quite jealous in fact and can’t be outdone by the Mrs in the technology gadget stakes, it’s bad for my technical image *wink*

Well my visit to see the Swans take on the Tractor Boys is almost here and I’m getting VERY excited at the prospect I must confess and as a result I don’t think I’ll get much sleep tonight. Which is bad news considering we’re leaving Swansea at 7am.

Tech Tags: Sagem+501c