JR decided to join me for my lunchtime ride down to Limeslade today – well he did for part of the way anyway. In fairness it was his first time out on the saddle since October last year, so I could hardly expect him to go at the usual pace. Just for the record training session number 13 covered 10.8 miles.
Day number two of the potty training didn’t go well, with DDWT Junior having a major tantrum i.e. kicking the potty over. Not good really and Mrs DDWT’s patience was stretched to the limit. As the day wore on things began to settle down thankfully and they even managed to make some Thomas the Tank engine cakes – which were actually rather tasty!
Whilst on the subject of DDWT Junior we’ve now had to buy him a new car seat as he’s outgrown the last one – to such an extent that his head is above the head rest and he can look out the back window of the car! We’ve opted to go for the Britax Evolva 1-2-3 Rome (shown below) – which should cover us for some time, well until he’s around 36Kgs in weight anyway – he’s about 16Kgs now. Here’s another top tip for those looking for the cheapest baby stuff on the web – check out www.kiddicare.com
Remember the other day that I was banging on about changing the mobile network I was on? Well despite the threat of a 28 day wait for my Tesco ‘unlatching’ code (or unlocking to most people!) it duly arrived today via email and I am now free to use any network of my choice. So don’t be a mug and cough up for this service on the web – contact your service provider and get it done for free!