Nowt much to report today – apart from me being like a zombie and feeling grumpy and lethargic. I suppose that’s what you get for not getting enough sleep, having a look weekend off and watching your favourite football play sh*t (having travelled over 200 miles to watch them – MUG).
In order to relieve myself of my mood, I decided to go for a 14 mile lunchtime bike ride down to Gowerton again. Thankfully it seemed to help a little and as the afternoon wore on my mood steadily improved. Not that anyone dared ask me mind, I think they’d twigged I was erm a tadge grumpy from this morning. It must have been THAT frown I have (or get occasionally!).
DDWT Junior had his ‘3rd year’ development check-up today from the local health visitor and I’m glad to report (in an unsurprisingly modest way) that he is doing well – advanced in some aspects and par for the course with others. Funniest point came when the health visitor asked him if he wanted to use the potty or the toilet, his retort was “No thank you. You go!”. Classic.