Shucks (or maybe that should be sucks?), what a non event Valentines Day turned out to be in the house of DDWT – now known locally as the house of flu *frown*
I’d planned everyhting to perfection, we were all geared up to go to the Dragon Brasserie for a romantic meal, I’d arranged a babysitter (thanks Mam) and the pressie were safely wrapped and hidden in my office cupboard. But alas we were obviously destined not to go, well not this today anyway. All is not lost however, I’ve spoken to the lovely people at the Dragon and they’ve booked us in next Wednesday instead – so we’ll try it all again (without the pressies this time of course).
No doubt your wondering what the pressies were, well I’d opted to get Mrs DDWT some perfume which she’d taken a liking too – ‘Intimately Beckham for Her‘ – not a bad smell I must confess, but not up there with the likes of ‘Truth’ from Calvin Klein, ‘Tommy Girl’ from Tommy Hilfiger or ‘Hugo Woman’ from yes you’ve guessed it Hugo. I was happy with some rather smart cufflinks and more gear from Wiggle (cycling gear just in case you’re wondering like, with a name like wiggle).
So despite not leaving the building, we were both quite content with our new acquisitions.