What's on the box darling

With the sun shining brightly outside I decided to take full advantage and do some of the many outstanding jobs on my ‘todo’ list – whilst I had the chance. First up was to repair some of the vertical panels in our fence (which actually belongs to next door). The irony being that the panels are coming off the fence due to the lad next door kicking his football against it. Oh well it’s your fence mate and I wouldn’t really bother repairing it except that it looks sh*tty the way it is!

The 2nd job and ultimately all the more messy and irritating sort of way (due to sneezing), is repairing our darn Dyson DC07 cleaner, again. It’s amazing really how much dust it actually collects – well until it cuts out and gives up the ghost that is. Anyway, a thorough cleaning and hose down with a jet spray usually gives its vital organs a damn good makeover! I also decided to replace the HEPA filter – only the 2nd one in the erm 8 or so years we’ve had the contraption.

We headed off to Fforestfach in the afternoon for some low cost retail therapy – i.e we look but don’t buy! We spend most of our time there in Borders having a good look at the cast array of books they have, especially childrens. It was quite amusing actually that whilst I was reading ‘The Gruffalo’ to DDWT Junior, I quickly had an audience of about 2 or 3 other children – much to my amazement. Oh well, if ever I give up on the world of computing I could always go into storytelling *wink*

It’s been an odd week on the whole, not because we’ve all had the flu, but because I’ve watched so much tv and films in particular. This in itself is a rarity and I hardly EVER watch television (only sports TV) let alone several nights of it. This week I’ve managed to clock up watching – The Honeymooners (don’t bother), The Manchurian Candidate (quality Denzil W flick) and Good Morning Vietnam (a Robin Williams classic).

In fact I quite enjoyed my ‘change of lifestyle’ (ha ha) and even said to Mrs DDWT that we should watch at least one film a week from now on, she just looked at me raised an eyebrow and smiled. I don’t know what she means.