36 Today

Yes indeed, today is a big big day as it’s my 36th birthday! I know it sounds daft but I don’t like being 36, not because I’m a year older – as believe it or not that doesn’t bother me – it’s because I don’t like the number 36. I felt the same when I was 34, but hey I’m not going to wish my life away – I enjoy it far too much for that *smile*

The guys and gals in work made a nice fuss as well with lots of cards – as can be seen above – and a special mention must go to Lance who bought me 4 cans of Magners. Lance you’re a top banana matey. As is the case whenever it’s anyones birthday in work – the birthday boy/girl gets to buy the cakes, so I did a quick de-tour into Tesco’s this morning to stock on on a variety of lovely cakes (oh and a banana for me as I NEVER eat cakes in work).

For whatever reason, I decided that today would be the day that I start using Labels on my blog for categorising stuff. Maybe it was because I felt that at 36 I should be more organised (snigger) or maybe (and more likely) it’s because I get fed up doing the code for the Technorati tags every darn post. Hmm, it must be the latter!

Despite it being my birthday, I simply couldn’t let the day go by without doing some exercise, so I headed off for a 14 mile spin down to Gowerton and back on my trusty old moutain bike. It also made me feel less guilty about the prospect of stuffing my face with buffet food at the family party this evening as well!

The party was more for DDWT Junior’s benefit than mine (honest guv) but having said that we all had a great time. My birthday cake was picked by his knibs and it came as no surprise really when I saw it was a “dinowar”. It was very nice though – as sponge cakes go – and no doubt he’ll return the favour and select again when it’s Mrs DDWT’s birthday.

So all in all I’ve had a good day and the Swans related pressies that I had were pukka as well. Maybe being 36 ain’t so bad after all.