A refreshing change

After what seems like 3 weeks of non-stop sunshine, it was a refreshing change to see the wet stuff this morning and this evening – albeit only for an hour or so. It also meant that I didn’t have to water the garden *smile*

It’s been quite an eventful day really, what with DDWT Junior going to Harri T’s 3rd birthday party this morning (which went on well into the afternoon) and me utilising the local civic amentity site for some free compost. Who needs B&Q eh! On a more serious note, it’s actually great to see the civic amenity site used so much and pratically every visit I’ve made there has seen the queue of cars extend outside the site and onto the road. Perhaps not everyone is as ignorant to the importance of recycling as it’s made out. Or at least that’s what I hope.

My early morning visit to the scales reported 16st 9lbs, so I’m still hovering around the same weight at the moment. I’d like to be about 5lbs lighter, but I’m sure with some hardwork that’ll come over the next few months – especially as I ramp up the training for the events I’ve entered (more on that some other time).

After lunch and mucking about in the garden playing footy, etc we decided to go out on the bikes (via the park and swings!). We only did 6.5 miles, but it was a pleasant enough ride along the banks of the Swansea Valley canal and part of cycle route 4. We made it back home just as the rain was starting to come down – so our timing was bob on!

So all in all it’s been a nice eventful weekend (which I like), which ultimately means I go to work tomorrow feeling refreshed and happy.