Beach workout

Back to work and on the beach, it can’t be bad can it. Well it’s not quite as gloriously exciting as that. I am back in work, but the nearest I’m getting to the beach today was a 39 minutes 35 second run along the sand on Swansea Bay.

There’s a heck of a lot to be said for being able to amble quite literally out of the office door and onto the beach (and then go for a 4 mile run if it takes your fancy or not as the case may be). It’s funny to think that whenever I consider seeking a new working challenge (not as often as I used to I hasten to add) I always come back to the “value” of working where I am and the ease at which I can forget about it all (hassles included) with a 10 minute walk along the beach/promenade outside.

So you can stick your commuting and a City centre job in-the-middle-of-nowhere thank you very much.