Having been almost religious about keeping my blog up to date on a daily basis, I must confess to having slacked of late. It isn’t helped by my abusing of the ‘Save As Draft’ option in blogger mind you, as I find the time to use this feature – with bullet points in my posts – but not the time to fully elaborate on them. The result is I have 30 odd of these ‘drafts’ which I aim to catch up on eventually. Kind of defeats the purpose those doesn’t it *sigh*
Time, no wonder it’s such a precious thing.
After missing out on any two-wheeled travel in over a week, it was nice to get back out and about (and in the sunshine) today for a 14 mile ride down to Gowerton. Although it isn’t that far, anyone who has ridden the Cycle Path to Gowerton will tell you of the rather anonymous (by looks anyhow) incline up the Clyne valley – which gets a nice little burn going in your legs. Or maybe that’s just me being unfit!