Today saw me conquer the 36 mile Three Valleys bike ride for the 2nd year in succession. I was very pleased with my time of 2 hours 37 minutes – especially as this was the furthest I had ridden since October last year! Being the statto that , the key numbers from today was a top speed of 35 mph (probably due to the descent down from Cilfrew) and an overall average of 13.5 mph.
I was the 2nd rider home and my time was also just under 30 minutes quicker than my time last year – so look out next year *grin*
The 36 mile ride starts in Swansea and takes in the Neath, Dulais and Swansea Valleys – mainly along the canal tow paths and cycle route that cover these areas. The downside of this of course is that you have to stop quite often to bypass the various safety gates along the way – which obviously hinders any attempt to fly around the course (a la a road circuit). In fairness though the day isn’t about that as it’s a fun ride, its just that I take it seriously (as with most things).
Unlike last year when the organisers – Swansea Bay Rotary Club – were dishing out certificates, this year to save costs they didn’t. I was glad to hear that really, as it means more of the money raised can actually go to the childrens’s charities supported by the event. All competitors did get a little badge to show for their efforts though!
Before leaving for the ride at 7:30 this morning I popped onto the weighing scales – as per every Sunday – and once again I was 16st 11lbs. So off I trudged to have some breakfast -a banana and two rounds of wholemeal toast topped with strawberry jam – just to set me up for the long ride ahead as is the norm. On a normal day I’d have either 4 weetabix or a bowl of Fruit ‘n’ Fibre.
When I came back from the ride, I decided to weigh again – just out of curiousity (not obsession). I was down to 16st 10lbs. This I found quite amusing, especially as I’d eaten two High5 sports bars during the ride and drank 1 litre of water. Sheesh, I knew I’d been sweating but didn’t think it was that much!
I’ll be honest though, come this afternoon and I was good for nothing – in fact I spent most of it either watching TV with DDWT Junior or helping him make things out of Lego. I guess it just goes to show how much the ride really did take out of me.
Lego afternoon