Taking Tesco for a ride

Yes indeed, for once I got the better of that monster supermarket (if you can still call it that) machine known as Tesco’s. For those of you familiar with the shop – is there anyone who isn’t – you’ll know pretty much exactly what I’m going to be going on about, for those of you that don’t read on.
Whichever way you look at this, you’ll save some money. If you’ve got a Tesco Clubcard – such as the one above – you’ll know all about its clubcard deals and vouchers. It’s simple really, for every £1 you spend in Tesco’s (beit online, in-store, petrol station, etc, etc) you get 1 point and these points are turned into money off vouchers on a quaterly basis. With me so far?

Well, if you trade in these vouchers via a clubcard deal (NOT in-store) they are worth 4 times the value, so £2.50 in clubcard vouchers is worth £10 of deal tokens (exchanged at lots of places across the UK – full list here). Well most of these deals work in multiples of £1.25 and Tesco’s ALWAYS send out vouchers worth sums like £5.50, £6.50, £7.00, £9.50. Invariably this means that you will always have money left over on your Tesco vouchers (usually 50p).

If anyone has ever ordered deal tokens from Tesco’s you will know that the remaining value of your vouchers – which you’ve traded in – should still be valid next time. Well they’re not.

I was a little p*ssed off about this – not that 50p is a great amount of money – it’s the principle. So I decided to take the FULL £5.50 voucher (well 2 of them in fact) down to my local Tesco to see if the 2 x 50p’s would come off my shopping. I was quite astonished to find that when scanned, it actually took off £11 – the FULL value of the vouchers which I had already traded in previously online in exchange for deal tokens. Surely the Tesco tills/computers should check this properly?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not advocating that you try and rip Tesco off by using vouchers in this way – I’m merely highlighting how there appears to be a loophole in the way their system works (unless I’ve missed something!?!?).

So as Tesco would say, every little helps and in this case it did *smile*