Nursery visit

Today saw memories of my pre-school days come flooding back, when DDWT Junior went and had his first peek at the nursery he will be attending in September. I vaguely remember mine – probably because it wasn’t a very pleasant experience!

Understandably he was a little nervous when he first got there – using his mother’s leg as a shield to hide behind. But as soon as the headmaster started showing him some toys and the other boys and girls started fussing, he was away and having fun. The class teacher was lovely and the kids seemed more than happy in her company – which is always a good sign.

Whilst we’re obviously execting a tough time come September and getting DDWT Junior into the school routine, today has at least helped ease some of our fears. It’s also made us realise how quickly kids do grow up and perhaps emphasises the importance of enjoying them at such a small age.

I wish I could say the same sweet things about the weather. The non-stop rain and generally conditions made it feel more like a December day than a July day. Little wonder then that I spent late evening mucking around on my Playstation 2 again. Will the rain ever stop?