Vouchers 4 U?

I’ve been toying with the idea of launching a blog all about freebies, discount codes and other online vouchers. Primarily because being an affiliate of many web affiliate schemes I often have such offers sent to me – which can sometimes mean a saving of between 5% and 20%, which is a nice little discount in anyone’s book.

The blog is already setup – Vouchers 4 U – and I intend to add codes, etc to it as things go along. However, I’m still not 100% sure that it’ll be worth my while as the market for this type of ‘code sharing’ appears to be pretty much cornered.

Still we’ll see how it goes for a week or two and then I’ll re-assess the situation then. In the meantime, if you do fancy a peek at the type of vouchers and codes, etc I’m likely to publish – take a look at Vouchers 4 U.