Bit of a shock to the system today with me commuting into work by bike. Daft as it sounds, being without a motor and having only occasional use of Mrs DDWT’s set of wheels has been a blessing in disguise. It had been ages since I’d commuted by bike and you realise how quickly you can get into bad habits – i.e using the car instead of the bike, even when there are pretty decent cycle tracks all the way to work.
The journey to work is some 6 miles by car and about 9 miles by bike (each way). So my 35 minute commute in and 36 minute commute back were quite reasonable, considering I can easily spend 30 minutes plus commuting by car on the way into work and on the way home (depending on what time it is).
The biggest difficulty I can forsee is getting my body used to doing an early morning and tea-time cycle, after its been accustomed to a lunchtime one for the past 20 months!