Email deluge

I regrettably returned to work today after a lovely 2 week break and was faced with a deluge of emails. I vaguely remember a time (before email) when it was a pile of scrap paper messages that would be on my desk facing me – how times have changed (for the better in this case… I think!?).

The 2 week break must have been good though as I couldn’t even remember my password for logging on for over an hour, which for a self-confessed anorak/geek/nerd such as myself is quite surprising. Now where is it I work 😉

Being back in work also meant a return to my normal daily routine of doing some exercise lunchtime. So I went for a 26 minute run today and certainly felt it! It’s little wonder though as I go running these days about as much as I post on this blog – not very often as you can tell.

On an altogether different note but still work related, the theatrical bunch at the Grand in Swansea, wanted something a little special for this year’s panto on the website – so I opted for a pussy galore theme! You can see what I mean here. Well I never did like cats!