Time to spare

At last, I finally managed to find a spare lunchtime to do some training! With extra time to spare as well, I decided the bike would be the best use of my time rather than a minute run – which are always best kept for when I only have a 45 minute lunch.

It was destination Gowerton today – rather than Limeslade – which was both a nice change and different type of ride. Anyone familiar with the Gowerton cycle path will know that the gradual incline up from the promenade offers a nice little workout – as opposed to the flat but pacy promendade route down to Mumbles.

I covered the 12.6 miles in 48 minutes and 46 seconds, at an average of 15.5 mph and a top speed of 22mph. With limited time to spare tomorrow, the plan is to do a run and get another session under my belt – and off my waist 🙂