What a difference…

… a day makes. The warm (‘ish) autumnal sunshine of yesterday has gone and been replaced by overcast, blusterely winter like weather.

Given that it was rather windy, I decided to go for a run as opposed to a bike ride – as I’d much prefer battling the wind on foot rather than the saddle. As you can imagine my 25 minute jaunt was a rather hard going affair!

It wasn’t like that first thing this morning though, in fact we looked set for another sunny day – as the rising early morning run produced the most amazing orange glow over the hilltops of the Swansea Valley.

As for DDWT Junior well he enjoyed his usual Monday stint of cooking in school – with diwali sweets being the order of the day this time around. In case you were thinking that’s an odd thing to make in school, well it was simply because this week they’re studying Hinduism.