2lbs down

After the exertions of yesterday, today was an alltogether much more sedate affair with DDWT Junior’s Thomas the Tank engine train track (all 8ft of it) proving to be the centre of attention for most of the day.

We did spend some time outside but that was only to wash the cars, get our weekly shop done at Tesco’s and visit Borders for a browse around the vast assortment of books. One thing I will say about Borders is that they aren’t cheap, well not compared to online retailers anyway – but at least you can get a better look at what you’re going to buy beforehand by window shopping in-store 🙂

My return to training last week has obviously had a positive effect on my weight, as I managed to lose 2lbs and am now standing at 16st 11lbs. I remain hopefull of shedding a few more pounds pre-Christmas, but injuries such as the one I sustained to my knee yesterday isn’t going to help. Thankfully it’s a lot better today (it’s amazing what a bag of frozen peas can do) and I’ve managed to locate the problem as well – a strain to the knee ligament on the outside of my right knee. Therefore an enforced break from training is now on the cards *sigh*